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Halloween Goat Bingo!
October 15, 2022Looking for an absolutely one-of-a-kind and totally unique family-friendly Halloween event?
Of course, you are!
Do you love animals? Do you love playing games?
Of course, you do!
Perfect, this Halloween BINGOAT event is just the right thing to do to celebrate everyone’s favorite spooky holiday.
BINGOAT is bingo with the friendliest goats from the Walnut Creek Farm, who will be roaming around while everyone plays and provide a good overall ‘goat’mosphere while playing BINGOAT.
The goats will, of course, be wearing Halloween costumes! And any human participants are encouraged to do the same!
There will be plenty of prizes and plenty of time to cuddle and play with the goats after the game concludes.
The goats will be curious, playful, and interested in climbing and interacting with people. With this being said, all children in attendance should be 10 years old or older and accompanied by an adult at all times.
Halloween BINGOAT takes place on Saturday, October 22 from 12:30 pm until 1:30 pm. Located at the Faith Lutheran Church, 3313 Arlington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201.